Targeted Client Solution – Layers of Benefits
Case Study 1- Commercial Roof Inspection
Client and Contact
Private Contractor
Year Completed: 2019-2020
Paper Airplane’s Role:
Unmanned Aerial System Services
RGB Imagery / 3D Modeling
Project Reference:
Roof and Building Envelope Inspection
Service Category: Industrial Application of UAS services.
Relevance to Solicitation: Safely Deploy UAS for Data Acquisition – RGB, Point Cloud, 3D Modeling
Paper Airplane has conducted UAS surveys of locations that present substantial access and safety concerns. Paper Airplane mitigated those concerns through the use of UAS for data acquisition and then processed the data to provide the client with high-resolution imagery for inspection purposes. Paper Airplane analysts also generated a highly accurate 3D model for measurement purposes. Clients used this data for inspections of the roof, siding & foundation to generate and execute mitigation and maintenance operations.
Case Study 2 – Envelope and Pavement
Client and Contact
Private Contractor
Year Completed: 2018-2019
Paper Airplane’s Role:
Unmanned Aerial System Services
RGB Imagery / 3D Modeling
Project Reference:
Building Envelope and Pavement Inspection
Service Category: Industrial Application of UAS services.
Relevance to Solicitation: Safely Deploy UAS for Data Acquisition – RGB, Thermal, Point Cloud, 3D Modeling
Paper Airplane has conducted UAS surveys to acquire and process data to analyze and use for the purpose of building envelope and associated pavement inspections. The use of UAS provides a cost-effective method to survey large areas in a relatively short period of time. Higher-resolution surveys were performed as needed by analyzing the data in the context of the entire area. Thermal data was also acquired, processed, & used as an additional layer to locate and assess abnormalities that were not apparent using the RGB spectra alone.
Case Study 3 – Envelope and Roof
Client and Contact
Private Contractor
Year Completed: 2018-2020
Paper Airplane’s Role:
Unmanned Aerial System Services
RGB Imagery / 3D Modeling
Project Reference:
Building Envelope and Pavement Inspection
Service Category: Industrial Application of UAS services.
Relevance to Solicitation: Safely Deploy UAS for Data Acquisition – RGB, Thermal, Point Cloud, 3D Modeling
Paper Airplane has conducted UAS surveys to acquire and process data to analyze and use for the purpose of the roof, building envelope, and associated pavement inspections. The use of UAS provides a highly accurate, cost-effective method to survey, eliminate human error, and maintain a record for historical and comparison purposes. Higher-resolution surveys were performed as needed by analyzing the data in the context of required roof repairs. Thermal data was also acquired, processed, & used as an additional layer to locate and assess abnormalities that were not apparent using the RGB spectra alone and to identify heat loss and energy efficiency of the building.